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Grand fir - Tree of resilience and festivity


VAT included

Key features

As the tree of festive cheer, the fir is one of the most popular Christmas tree species. Firs are also beautifully fragrant, giving off a familiar candied citrus scent: the epitome of Christmas. Their flattened, needle-like leaves are dark green above with two silvery-grey bands below. When they become larger, firs also bear cones that can grow up to 10cm long when mature. The cones are bright green when young before ripening to a reddish-brown. 


Preferred planting conditions

A shade tolerant species which shows high growth rates and yields on suitable sites. The best growth conditions will be found in regions with more than 1000 mm rainfall, but will grow in drier regions provided there is adequate soil moisture. However, drought crack is common in stands in drier areas. Susceptible to spring frost and sensitive to exposure and pollution. Prefers well-drained and deep mineral soils of poor to medium fertility, but sensitive to heather check on sites of very poor nutrient status. Does not tolerate waterlogged or calcareous soils.



Each tree comes with a beautiful card, hand-illustrated by the very person who grew these trees.  The card includes details of growing conditions and information about the tree species, with a blank page to allow you to hand-write or leave a printed message for your loved one.


Gifting inspiration

Perhaps the most Christmassy gift one could ask for, this beautifully fragrant grand fir will spread tidings of comfort and joy to all your loved ones this holiday season.



Price includes delivery. Gift trees will be delivered in 3-5 working days upon receipt of the order.