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Pricing Information

General Information

Trees from Christie-Elite are priced according to the cost of production for each product, which can vary from year to year depending on weather conditions, availability of seed etc.

Price is determined by the species, provenance, type (cell grown or bare root) and size of plant you wish to order.

Unit price is dependant on quantity ordered.

Prices reduce when orders are over 6 trees and significantly reduce for bulk orders over 1000 trees.

When ordering online the correct price is automatically applied to a product based on the quantity ordered.

Returning Customers

If you are likely to repeat order but individual orders are small then please contact the nursery as you may qualify for a bulk pricing structure.

You can use the shop to build an order by creating, or logging into your account.

If you would like any further information on pricing or need to discuss a specific order please contact 
Tel: 01309 679866