Modern Slavery Statement
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and constitutes the slavery and human trafficking statement (“Modern Slavery Statement”) of Christie-Elite Nurseries Limited (Christie-Elite).
The board and management of Christie-Elite has a zero-tolerance approach to modem slavery and are committed to ensuring that there is no modem slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business, including our supply chain.
Christie-Elite’s principal activities involve the production of bare-root and cell-grown trees and tree protection products in Scotland. Christie-Elite does not tolerate forced or involuntary labour, human trafficking or any form of modern slavery.
Christie-Elite has the following measures in place to reduce the risk of modern slavery affecting its business and supply chain:
Christie-Elite has a Code of Conduct which focuses on maintaining positive relationships with all counterparties, including business partners, suppliers and the wider communities in which we work.
The policy promotes working within UK laws and regulations (including, by implication, those relating to forced/involuntary labour and human trafficking), promoting high ethical standards and a culture whereby people are empowered to report issues of concern. Business integrity is a key standard in the selection of contractors and other organisations with which Christie-Elite works. This policy is communicated to all employees and compliance with its requirements is a condition of employment with Christie-Elite.
Christie-Elite is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for its personnel and conducts its business as a responsible corporate citizen.
We look to procure products and services from high quality and high integrity suppliers. We achieve this through a robust selection process and ongoing management of suppliers who fully comply with our safety, environmental and ethical standards.
Christie-Elite’s template contractual terms for suppliers require the highest standards of business ethics, compliance with all applicable laws and commitment to health, safety and the protection of the environment and personnel.
By encouraging a culture of openness within our organisation, Christie-Elite aims to prevent malpractice. We encourage all employees to raise issues which concern them at work through the Whistleblowing Policy which is made available to them.
Christie-Elite has undertaken an internal risk assessment to identify and assess potential risks in our supply chain relating to modern slavery and human trafficking. Christie-Elite does not operate in jurisdictions or in a sector which has particular risks associated with slavery and human trafficking but, to the extent risks have been identified, appropriate steps have been taken to mitigate and monitor such risks as outlined above.
Christie-Elite is committed to ensuring that there is no modem slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business, and that the same high standards are applied by our business partners. Christie-Elite has a robust set of guidelines and policies in place that inform our work, and ensure we are considering the impact of our corporate behaviour as appropriate.
At the time of writing, Christie-Elite is not aware of any current or recent incidents, nor accusations of forced/involuntary labour or human trafficking in our operations or those of our business partners.