Nordmann Fir (Abies nordmanniana)
The Nordmann Fir, Abies nordmannina, is a very handsome, easy to grow, and disease-resistant tree with aromatic dark green foliage. Better known as the Nordmann Fir of Christmas trees, this tree delights in winter with its glossy rich green foliage and distinct reddish-brown winter buds. Produces long greenish/ brown cones. Narrowly conical when young, broadening with age. Robust species with a deep rooting habit. Abies nordmannina forms a shapely tree, not too bushy, with good space between the branches. Grow in a rich, free-draining soil in full sun for the best results.
Suitable Soil Conditions
- Wet Soil
Suitable Site Conditions
- Exposed Site
Ultimate Tree Height
- 20 metres+
Growth Rate
- Fast